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Colony Universe


by EAB

The Constitution of Liberty City, Colony Alchibah

We the People of Liberty Township do Solemnly Declare that a Government cannot be Legitimate without the Consent of the Governed and that only authority expressly delegated by vote of the Citizenry may be exercised by said Government.

Article 1
1.1 This Constitution shall be the only document delegating such authority and will take effect at a date determined by, and upon ratification of, 75% of the eligible voting population.
1.2. For the purpose of ratifying this constitution all colonists, having reached the age of sixteen as determined by date of birth on the planet Earth, and capable of voting without the direct assistance of others, shall be eligible to vote. All other dates and times referenced in this Constitution shall be based on time as reckoned on the planet Alchibah and start from the landing of the colony ship Mayflower.
1.3 After ratification, the voting for, and approval of, maters delegated to government by this constitution shall be restricted to those who were eligible to vote upon said ratification, or; have attained the age of six years and 500 days, and have publicly sworn an oath to support and defend the terms and conditions of this document, and, if not arriving on the colony ship Mayflower, have resided within Liberty Township for a period of 500 days. Those so qualified will hereafter be referred to as Citizens.
1.4 The privileges and responsibilities of a Citizen may be terminated only by the free public attestation of said Citizen, or upon conviction of high crimes against the Constitution, or upon his death.

Article 2
2.1 The government shall consist of the Citizenry, a body composed of all of the Citizens, and such subsidiary bodies as authorized by it. The Citizenry will convene at times and locations of it’s choosing but must convene at least twice in every calendar year. This meeting shall convene on the 10th day and the 550th day of each year at the governmental seat in Liberty City or at such a location as directed by a majority vote of the Citizenry, and be presided over by the most recently elected Chairman of the Liberty Council. The Citizenry shall be the primary legislative body and have supreme authority in all matters governmental.
2.2 The primary executive body shall be the Liberty Council whose duty will include the day to day operation of the government and such other duties as the Citizenry may require of it. There shall be an odd number of Citizens numbering no less than five elected to the Liberty Council by vote of the Citizenry and under rules which the Citizenry shall approve. The terms of Council members shall be limited to no more than two years without reconfirmation by the Citizenry.
2.3 The Liberty Council established by this constitution shall, within 30 days of their election, recommend to the Citizenry for approval a Judicial Tribunal which shall include provision for determination of fact, pronouncement of sentence, and appeal procedure. In cases involving Constitutional question the Citizenry shall have final appeal authority.
In recognition of the fact that man being imperfect, then so must be the results of his labors and intentions, the means for modifying this constitution shall be as follows.

Article 3
3.1 All Citizens shall by right be able to petition for change, or addition, to the Constitution and there shall be two such means of effecting said change.
3.2 The first. and more limited of these, shall be a call for Constitutional Proclamation. This Proclamation must be limited in nature, apply only to the instance at hand, and shall never be considered to have changed the original intent of the document. Any Citizen may call for such a Prolamation at any meeting of the Citizenry. Debate may begin at once but final debate and a vote must be scheduled prior to adjournment of the session in which such call is made. This final debate and vote cannot be scheduled less than 20 or more than 40 days after the initial proposal, unless 75% of the Citizenry present declare in the initial debate that it can be voted on sooner, in which case the final vote can take place as soon as one day after the initial proposal. In this case every effort must be made to immediately inform the Citizenry not present at the initial meeting of the proposal and the time of the final debate and vote. A Constitutional Proclamation will require a 75% vote in favor of passage and a minimum of 50% of the total Citizenry to be voting, and will go into affect no later than 30 days after the date of its passage.
3.3 The second shall be a petition for Constitutional Change. This petition shall be introduced to the Citizenry as described in section 3.2 but must also include a document describing the section to be changed or the addition to be made and giving the exact wording of this change or addition. It may address at most one article. Debate may begin at once but final debate and a vote must be scheduled prior to adjournment of the session in which such call is made. This final debate and vote cannot be scheduled less than 50 or more than 100 days after the initial proposal. A Constitutional Change will require a 75% vote in favor of passage and a minimum of 65% of the total Citizenry to be voting, and will go into affect no earlier than 60 days after the date of it’s approval.
3.4 An enactment by either of the above proposals may not be construed so as to enable civil or criminal proceedings relating to actions constitutional prior to it’s passage.
We hold the following rights to be fundamental but as the people are the owners and holders of all rights. Those not enumerated herein shall not be considered as having any lesser protection under the Constitution.

Article 4
4.1 No law shall be made favoring, prohibiting or restricting the exercise of religion unless such religious exercise shall threaten the existence of the state.
4.2 No law shall be made restricting freedom of speech, writing or any other form of creative or political expression, except in instances of violence, direct incitation of violence and treason. Treason shall be defined as intentionally aiding a declared enemy of the state, or an organization dedicated to the overthrow of the government by means that are not otherwise Constitutionally protected.
4.3 No law shall be made restricting the right of the people to peaceably assemble.
4.4 No law shall be made restricting the right of the people to petition the government or peacefully protest government excepting when such protest would involve private trespass or prohibit others from exercising their Constitutional rights.
4.5 No law shall be made restricting the right of the people to bear arms for the defense of themselves or the State. The ownership and use of weapons of mass destruction shall, however, be restricted. The definition of weapons of mass destruction may not include those appropriate for an individual’s defense of him or herself or the State, and shall include at a minimum nuclear weapons (explosives), biological weapons and chemical weapons, as well as other weapons the Citizenry shall decide upon as detailed in Article 3.3.
4.6 The equality of rights under the law of any Citizen shall not be arbitrarily denied or abridged on account of any factor which does not directly threaten the existence of the State or likely cause direct harm to the health or safety of the public.

Article 5
5.1 The Citizenry shall set all rules and procedures necessary for setting the governments proper scope of responsibility, and once in place such rules shall not be changed without a majority vote of all the Citizens.
5.2 The purpose of this Constitution is to permanently set the principals of government. It is not an evolving, living document. It’s words are literal and shall have the meaning of original intent. Challenges to any interpretation of this Constitution based on this clause must be addressed by a Constitutional Amendment changing or clarifying the language.

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