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Colony Universe

UNWG (”Goonies”) Intentions — Speculations

by EAB

UNWG Prior Plans

At present it is unclear whether the UNWG will, or can, send forces after us though it is a possibility we can not dismiss.

Data in two files pulled from the captured cruiser commanded by Ashcroft William Andrews IV gives some evidence of the UNWG’s plans and interests concerning extra solar exploration prior to the discovery of the Alchibah Wormhole. One was called “On Locating Habital Systems” The seriousness of this report is suspect. There were also studies into Extra Solar Ship Design. See Starships a Proposal.

Both of these files had been written many years ago, before R.J. Hamilton’s current drive technology and Wormhole discovery would have been known, which probably explained the weak encryption. Some of the information contained within them is inconsistent.

The Cruiser’s Database contains a number of more recent entries which we have not been able to open. It is hoped that Ashcroft Andrews IV will be able to shed light on the current state of UNWG planning, and construction, and more importantly, intentions.

Synopsis Original draft July 2036. Title: On Locating Habital Systems.

In support of the UNWG Full Employment Act. And under the auspices of the UNWG International Astrophysical Union.

Extra-Solar Habital Planets. A search outline.

Preliminary Assumptions:

1. The star must have a planetary system. Estimate 80% do.

2. The star should not be a multiple star system. Estimate 65% qualify.

3. The star must have a habital zone, (the orbital region where water can remain liquid through most of the planetary year), of sufficient size that a planet is likely to be found therein. K type Stars or larger are indicated.

4. Old enough for an eco-system to develop. A consensus is at least 1.5 billion years on the main sequence. An F type star or smaller.

5. Combine 3 and 4 and stars from F1 to K1 on the main sequence are appropriate.

6. Using Earth based measurements and best methods, 75% of the K,F, G stars, do have planets in the habital zone.

7. We will only send survey ships to stars very close to Earth, 15 LY. or less, or those further away that meet the spectral class qualifier and have been found with planets by solar observation. We will survey to a maximum radius of 200 Light Years. See Starships a Proposal.


1. Multiplying 1 and 2 give a 50% chance of any star having a planetary system.

2. Applying 5 gives a 35% overall chance that the right type star has a planet worth surveying.

3. With one in 3 of K-F stars suitable, an arguably high estimate, and if we decide to survey 600 likely stars we will need to send probes to a distance which encompasses about 2,000 such stars.

4. There are about 150 stars to visit within 50 LY of Earth, though many miss our criteria for spectral type. There are 4000 stars within 200 LY. So based on spectral type frequencies we would need to send out survey ships to near 200 light years to examine the 600 most likely K-F prospects.

The cost and timing of any such program of course need to be determined but the Astrophysical Union recommends further study. An active program should be set up to improve knowledge of stellar properties and distances. We make no comment on the practicality of building ships or sensor platforms capable of carrying out such a mission, or on the likelihood of their success.

A Second Relevant Document

Synopsis Original draft May 2044. Title: Starships a Proposal. Advanced Ship Construction.

In support of the UNWG Full Employment Act. And under the auspices of the UNWG Combined Design Bureau Ship Division.

Advances in fusion reactors technology and cryogenics make it possible to begin design studies for slower than light speed interstellar flight.

Estimates and Preliminary Notes United Nations Inter Stellar Transport 1.

When considering long duration independent voyages the naval experiences of the last several hundred years provide a ready analogue. The pre-amalgamation U.S. Navy provides much baseline data. Year 2020 dollars, the date of last major construction, will be used throughout. As we have made inflation illegal, price creep will be due only to increases related the necessary costs of achieving social justice.

Though not a “Transport Starship” a Nuclear Aircraft Carrier such as operated by the former United States Navy represents construction on the envisioned scale. These Carriers massing 100,000 tons supported crews of 6000 and were provisioned for 3 months. Provisions for several year long voyages could easily have been accommodated. Build price 32 billion dollars with the original fueling.

Using Cryogenic Hibernation, supplies needed on a long voyages may be greatly reduced. This could extend travel time or be used to save on consumables for an increased crew size. Current and near term propulsion designs imply large ships due to reaction mass tankage requirements.

Starship Transport the UNIST 1. First of all some assumptions have to be made concerning trip durations. The basic premise will be that FTL travel will not be possible unless a Wormhole is located.

Acceleration will be will be held to a maximum of 1.2 gravities. This will mean that to get to relativistic speeds will require about 8 months and a further 80 months of deceleration when a destination is reached. Minimum ship time to another star system would be less than 2 years. A round trip three and a half to visit the nearer stars.

The interior size of our carriers reference is approximately 8 million cubic feet. With 6000 crewpersons aboard and subtracting out structural and mechanical elements less than 1000 cu ft of living space for each. We will suppose twice that much room per person on the UNIST 1.

Carriers are full of watertight rooms and bulkheads and are lightly armored. The UNIST 1 design will incorporate similar features.

The Design Bureau suggests a ship of about 25,000 tons built with external tankage. and a crew of about 50 transporting perhaps 1200 others for a build cost of 40 billion and a charge to put the structural components into low Earth Orbit of $200,000 per ton. Thus a total ship cost of 45 billion dollars. Each round trip to take 2.5 Years ships time. Expected ships lifetime of 50 years. Build time 7 to 10 years after design approval.

Excerpt from UNWG Cruiser Database.

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